Katie Leder

Katie Leder

Katie graduated in 2007 from the University of Montana College of Technology. Katie and her husband Devan have been married since 2007. She has three boys, Jude, Piper, and Titus, as well as serving as a licensed foster family.

Designed to Nurture

November 29, 2017

What is nurturing and why is it important to me? Katie Leder discusses the importance and challenge of it in the life of a woman.

Parents naturally create a culture in which their children grow. Katie Leder helps us understand simple ways to infuse the gospel into the culture of your family life.

Discipleship is part intentional and part natural; but as Katie Leder shows us, often times we can lazily trend in one direction or the other. In her newest post, she outlines how some of her new convictions are changing her approach to discipleship.

Not Ours to Keep

March 19, 2015

Our Children are not our own. How then are we to raise these gifts from God in a way which honors him, aids them, and brings joy to us?

Life keeps coming. But amidst all the appointments, events, schedules, planners and pins how can we find rest in the person of Christ. Katie Leder gives us some practical tips for carving out rest in our busy lives.

The Weight of Waiting

December 3, 2014

“Our family is currently in a season of waiting. But in this season of pause, God is anything but still. God is working for our good and his glory, even as we wait.” Read the rest of the post by Katie Leder.

Gospel Feminism

October 9, 2014

What does it mean to truly be a gospel centered woman? Katie Leder discusses some common sins of women and how the gospel frees us to be gospel enriched women.

We had a lot of what we wanted in a place to live, but the one thing that was missing, was the one thing that brought us back. Katie Leder shares why the church is worth it. 

The Suitable Wife

June 9, 2014

The position of “wife” is not simply a cultural office, it’s a Biblical one. What should the thought priorities of a Biblical wife be? Katie Leder provides us with four reflections.

All parents live in the balance of speaking truth and guarding from hard realities. What does this look like in regards to your child and the gospel? Read the blog by Katie Leder.

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